Jordan's crude imports rise by JD1.1 billion in 2022

2. Jordan's imports of Iraqi oil rise 27% FM
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — According to data released by the Department of Statistics, the value of the Kingdom’s imports of crude oil, its derivatives, and mineral oils increased by JD1.1 billion in 2022, up 47.2 percent from the previous year. اضافة اعلان

The total value of imports in 2022 reached approximately JD3.5 billion, compared to about JD2.4 billion in 2021.

Fuel, mineral oils lead the listFuel and mineral oils topped the list of oil derivative imports during the past year, reaching JD980 million. Petroleum followed closely behind at around JD921 million.

The Kingdom's imports of gasoline amounted to about JD782 million, while diesel was about JD770 million. Kerosene imports amounted to JD13 million, and lubricants were about JD37 million.

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