Jordan’s hotel occupancy surges in 2023, tourist arrivals soar

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The hotel occupancy rates in Jordan saw a notable increase during the first six months of the current year, 2023, as compared to the same period in the previous year, 2022. In Amman, the rates surged by an impressive 11 percent, while the Dead Sea experienced a substantial rise of 23 percent. Additionally, Petra's occupancy rates increased by 15 percent, Madaba by 11 percent, and the rest of the provinces by 12 percent.اضافة اعلان

Hussein Hallalat, the deputy head of the Jordanian Hotels Associations highlighted the surge in hotel occupancy in Amman during this period was attributed to various factors, including weddings, hosting numerous conferences, festivals, and captivating musical events. Hallalat emphasized the significance of collaborative efforts among all stakeholders to further boost tourism throughout the year in the Kingdom, Ammon News reported.

Meanwhile, in April, the Kingdom has recorded an unparalleled surge in tourist arrivals during the first quarter of 2023 as 1.476 million sightseers came to the Kingdom, marking a 90.7 percent upswing from the prior year’s 774,111 visitors. 

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