Jordan's tourist income surges 27.4% in 2023, reaching $7.4B

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — On Thursday, the Central Bank of Jordan’s (CBJ) preliminary data revealed a remarkable surge in tourist income for Jordan during the fiscal year 2023, indicating a substantial 27.4 percent increase, reaching a total of $7.4 billion. This notable growth can be attributed to a surge in tourist arrivals, with a recorded 25.8 percent rise, totaling 6.353 million visitors.اضافة اعلان

Analyzing the specifics, the tourist income in December 2023 amounted to JD359.3 million (equivalent to $506.8 million). Although still significant, this figure reflects a marginal 3.4 percent decrease compared to December 2022. The decline is primarily attributed to an 8 percent reduction in tourist numbers, totaling 416,600 visitors for the month, as opposed to the corresponding period in 2022, Al-Mamlaka TV reported. 

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