Jordan vaccinates over 270,000 people in milestone

An undated image provided by BioNTech, shows a vaccine trial participant being injected with a vaccine against the coronavirus. (Photo: NYTimes)
AMMAN — Jordan has administered the first dose of the vaccine to 273,921 people as of March 25th, according to Sakher Dodin, a government spokesperson.اضافة اعلان

A total of 777,825 citizens and residents or around 6.8 percent of Jordan’s population, have registered for the COVID-19 vaccine via the online platform,

This number “is not enough and is far from our expectations after all this time (since the start of the pandemic). The government must act to increase this number and Jordanians must register for the vaccine,” Ahmad Sarahneh, head of the Lower House’s Health Committee, told Jordan News.

In February, then minister of health Nathir Obeidat stated that around three million people need to be vaccinated for Jordan to achieve herd immunity. Jordan began its vaccination campaign on January 13th after receiving shipments of the Sinopharm and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines. Two months later, only 75,921 people — less than a percentage of Jordan’s population — had received both shots of the vaccine.

The government has also taken steps to expand the vaccination campaign outside of the online platform. On March 23, Jordan launched its campaign to inoculate medical personnel; in a single day, 8,332 doctors, nurses, and other medical staff in the public and private sectors received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.