Jordan wants WMD-free Middle East

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Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi (center) addresses an international meeting in New York. (Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — A Middle East free of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is a goal that Jordan works toward with partners in the international community, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi said, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Safadi said a WMD-free Middle East is a step towards establishing global peace and security and putting the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) into practice.

The minister spoke during the Stockholm Initiative for Nuclear Disarmament, and the NPT meeting in New York on Tuesday. The gathering was held in conjunction with the 10th NPT Review Conference.

Safadi asserted that Jordan, the only Middle Eastern country in the group, joined the Stockholm Initiative because of its support for the NPT, and commitment to working with the state parties to assert the need for adherence to the treaty and ensure that all countries ratify it.

During the Stockholm Initiative meeting, which was hosted jointly by Sweden and Germany, Safadi emphasized the need to approach the Middle East nuclear weapons issue from a broader perspective to rid the region from all non-conventional weapons.

He stressed that solutions to regional crises must be found to avert the region being drawn into the nuclear arms race, and to refocus resources and efforts on development rather than armament.

Separately, the Minister discussed with President of the Swiss Confederation, Swiss Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis, ways to strengthen the two countries’ distinguished relations, the latest developments on regional and international arenas, and issues of mutual interest.

Safadi outlined His Majesty King Abdullah’s efforts to achieve security and stability in the region and to find a political horizon to achieve a just and all-encompassing peace between Israel and Palestine, based on a two-state solution.

 Cassis reiterated the value of relations with Jordan, and vowed to keep advancing them in a number of areas. He praised the Kingdom’s crucial role in overcoming regional challenges and achieving security and stability in the region under the leadership of His Majesty.

On the sidelines of the NPT 10th Review Conference, Safadi also met with Phil Twyford, New Zealand’s Minister of Disarmament and Arms Control. Discussions focused on ways to strengthen cooperation between the two friendly countries, as well as several regional and international issues of mutual interest.

Both ministers affirmed the importance of their countries working together to combat terrorism and extremism, as part of the “Christchurch Call” and “Aqaba Meetings” initiatives.

The meeting also reviewed the obstacles facing the non-proliferation regime and emphasized the significance of achieving a universal NPT.

Safadi also attended a high-level meeting on the development of women’s roles in promoting international peace and security, hosted by Germany and Sweden in collaboration with UN Women, which is headed by the former Jordanian delegate to the UN, Sima Bahouth.

In a speech, Safadi emphasized the value of empowering women to uphold global peace and security and to increase their involvement in fostering and sustaining peace.

He upheld the Kingdom’s commitment to empowering women and increasing their participation in the political and development processes, reviewing Jordan’s legislative procedures and updates to increase women’s participation in politics.

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