Jordanian bar head urges UNHCR action Zionist aggression

President of the Jordanian Lawyers Association, Yahya Abu Aboud
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The head of the Jordanian Bar Association, Yahya Abu Aboud, recently met with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, in Amman. During the meeting, Aboud emphasized that he was representing the Arab Lawyers Union in his capacity as the current president of the Permanent Bureau. The bureau had convened in Amman under the theme "Palestine: The Just Cause." This union brings together more than 30 Arab lawyers' associations, collectively representing over a million Arab lawyers.اضافة اعلان

He conveyed to the Commissioner his shock and outrage over the Zionist aggression against the Palestinians, accusing them of committing a range of international prohibitions, including war crimes, genocide, crimes against humanity, aggression, and apartheid through killing, siege, use of prohibited weapons, and threats of nuclear weapons use, as well as displacement, Al-Ghad reported. 

His primary demand to the Commissioner was to halt this brutal aggression, arguing that the Zionist entity uses the pretext of legitimate self-defense, while the reality is an aggressor confronting an unarmed people on occupied land. He emphasized that legitimate defense is a right of the victim and is linked to the Palestinian people's inherent right to self-determination under occupation.

He noted that the Zionist aggression is retaliatory in nature and urged the UN and the High Commissioner to take a clear stance by condemning it and demanding its cessation. He warned that if the aggression does not stop now, it would lead to a significant increase in casualties, as the people would not remain silent or inactive, potentially leading to direct involvement in the war, with later regrets being futile.

Aboud stressed that allowing the perpetrator to escape punishment would be a major disaster for the international community, its institutions, and laws. The failure to conduct impartial and fair investigations and to hold the criminals accountable would be a stain on the history of humanity and would undermine the legitimacy of the United Nations and international humanitarian law.

He requested conveying thanks to the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, for his positions against the Zionist aggression and denounced the arrogance and disdain with which the representative of the Zionist entity responded, affirming their disrespect for any pact, covenant, or even the most basic requirements of decency in justifying their crimes.

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