King, Crown Prince attend tactical exercise

His Majesty King Abdullah, the Supreme Commander of Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army, and HRH Crown Prince Hussein attend a tactical exercise conducted by the Central Military Region’s First Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II Royal Mechanised Battalion, on August 24, 2022. (Photo: Royal Court)
AMMAN — His Majesty King Abdullah, the Supreme Commander of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army (JAF), and HRH Crown Prince, on Wednesday attended a tactical exercise conducted by the First Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II Royal Mechanized Battalion, which is one of the units in the Central Military Region, according to a Royal Court statement.اضافة اعلان

 King Abdullah was briefed on the exercise, in the presence of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Maj. Gen. Yousef Hneiti.

 The exercise simulated area defense operations against an attack, supported by tanks and fighter jets.

 His Majesty expressed pride in the advanced skills, capabilities, and readiness displayed during the exercise, praising the professionalism and high morale of the participants.

 The exercise is part of annual training programs conducted by JAF to enhance the professionalism and preparedness of army personnel.

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