Kisbi, KfW official discuss cooperation in school construction project

Minister of Public Works and Housing Yahya Kisbi. (Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of Public Works and Housing Yahya Kisbi and German Development Bank (KfW) Amman Office Director Mark Schwiete on Monday discussed a school construction project and means to reduce bureaucracy and expedite implementation, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The German-funded school construction project aims to bolster the educational structure in the Kingdom, especially in areas hosting refugees, while also reducing overcrowding in local schools, according to Kisbi. He also underlined the ministry’s intent to cement cooperation with the KfW in the creation and implementation of additional education-related projects in various parts of the Kingdom.

Kisbi noted that the tenders divided the project into four stages; the first and second include conducting studies and creating designs to build 18 new schools, with four schools still being processed. During the third and fourth stages, eight to nine schools will be built through consulting offices that will design and oversee the architectural part of the work. The ministry is currently evaluating the architectural designs of the schools as part of a contest.

The German government has recently granted a €100 million loan through the KfW to build 20 new schools and expand others across the Kingdom.

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