LH Palestine committee highlights Jordan's role to support, defend Palestinian cause

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN -Head of the Lower House Palestine Committee, MP Mohammad Zahrawi, said Jordan will remain "strong and invincible in confronting all attempts and rumors targeting it", according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

All components of the Jordanian society are united behind the Hashemite leadership, he noted, adding that Jordan has always paid the "utmost" attention to the Palestinian cause.

The Hashemite custodianship over Jerusalem's Islamic and Christian holy sites is "historic and has preserved the city's status quo, " according to Zahrawi.

The lawmaker made the remarks during the LH committee's visit on Thursday, to Hittin camp in Amman's Marka district, in the presence of the Director-General of the Palestinian Affairs Department (PAD), Rafik Khirfan, and Director of Operations of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), Marta Lorenzo.

According to the committee's statement, its members referred to the Royal donations and aid to the camps and their residents," and listened to Hittin camps' demands related to improving services.

Zahrawi stressed the importance of UNRWA, which is the "true" witness to the refugees' suffering and their right to return home, lauding the agency's support for all the camps in the Kingdom.

Meanwhile, Khirfan affirmed the PAD's readiness to improve Hittin camp's infrastructure, especially since the financial allocations for the camp's services committee increased in 2022 under His Majesty King Abdullah II's directives.

Coordination will be made with the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, as well as the concerned authorities, to maintain the camp's roads, Khirfanpointed out.

For her part, Lorenzo said the joint tour aims to identify the problems facing the camp's residents, noting the need to improve its basic services such as education, health and and infrastructure.

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