Lower House Legal Committee endorses Party, Election draft laws, with amendments

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Head of the Lower House Legal Committee Abdel Munem Owdat said on Wednesday that the committee has endorsed the Parties and Election Draft Laws after introducing a number of amendments.اضافة اعلان

Speaking at a news conference, carried by Al Mamlaka TV, Owdat said that the draft law derives its goals from a strong political will, adopted by His Majesty the King, and seeks to reinforce true democratic principles that can be enjoyed by all Jordanians, primarily the youth as they make up a large percentage of the population.

Owdat said that the legal committee held a series of consultations on the two draft laws –as they are interrelated- with various stakeholders before making certain amendments aimed at speeding up party establishment processes, like reducing the number of attendees at the founding conference from half the number of members to one third of members.  The draft laws restrict the engagement of certain “job descriptions”, but excludes customs employees and honorary consuls.

According to Owdat, another amendment gave the Independent Election Commission the mandate to review party registration applications and to manage party affairs.

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