Ministers, Amman Mayor Strategize Funding for Key Transport Projects

Ministers, Amman Mayor Strategize Funding for Key Transport Projects
Amman - High-level discussions were held on Thursday at the Ministry of Transport to strategize funding and ensure the successful implementation of several crucial public transport projects within and beyond Amman.اضافة اعلان

The meeting, attended by Ministers of Public Works and Housing, Transport, Environment, and Planning and International Cooperation, and Amman Mayor, focused on the progress and financing of these significant infrastructure initiatives. Engineers and stakeholders from the involved ministries and the Greater Amman Municipality also participated in the discussions.

Key projects under review included the Bus Rapid Transit system, the ongoing development of King Abdullah II Street, and the transport link between Amman and Salt.

A detailed presentation provided updates on the stages of these projects, whether completed or still under construction, along with the financing strategies and implementation timelines.

Officials emphasized the importance of joint coordination and teamwork across all stages of project design and execution to ensure precision and high-quality outcomes.

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