Ministry looking for water carrier project financiers

In this undated photo, the Ministry of Water can be seen. The IACC referred to public prosecution a case of suspected corruption involving former officials at the ministry. (Amjad Al-Tawil/Jordan News
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The government is trying to find funding for a multi-billion-dollar project to build a water conveyor that will carry desalinated sea water from the Gulf of Aqaba to Amman and other governorates across the kingdom, Minister of Water and Irrigation Muhammad al-Najjar was quoted as saying Tuesday by Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

The minister told a symposium organized by the Association of Banks in Jordan that the search targets Jordanian investors and local banks, indicating that so far, $500 million has already been secured through grants and aid to finance the National Water Carrier Project, which is expected to cost $2.5 billion.

In this context, Najjar stressed the importance of Jordanian institutions and banks in financing national projects without resorting to external borrowing, stressing that the government will guarantee the financing.

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