Ministry of Social Development: 50 Children Placed in Care Homes and 10 Given to Foster Families

Ministry of Social Development: 50 Children Placed in Care Homes and 10 Given to Foster Families
Ministry of Social Development: 50 Children Placed in Care Homes and 10 Given to Foster Families
The Ministry of Social Development has issued its achievement report for the month of February, highlighting the main services it provided.

According to a press statement from the Ministry's Directorate of Communication and Media on Monday, the Ministry handled 9,240 cases related to preparing social studies for granting health insurance to poor families, and 175 cases for exemptions from medical expenses. It also processed 50 cases related to settling inheritance rights.اضافة اعلان

The report indicates that 50 children were placed in child care homes, while 44 children were discharged from the homes. Additionally, 10 children were handed over to foster families.

The report further stated that the number of juveniles benefiting from services at the Ministry's juvenile rehabilitation and education homes was 213, with 74 juveniles benefiting from vocational rehabilitation programs provided by these homes. Additionally, 51 children working in conditions that violate labor regulations received psychological and social interventions according to the case management methodology through field directorates and psychological and social support offices in cooperation with partner organizations. Nine juveniles benefited from legal assistance services.

Regarding the general registry of associations, the cumulative number of registered associations operating under the current Associations Law was 6,118. Seven new associations were registered, while 71 associations applied for amendments to their bylaws. Additionally, 28 associations were dissolved, 12 temporary bodies completed their work, and 11 temporary bodies remain active, while 10 committees that were responsible for dissolution finished their work.

According to the National Aid Fund's data, 1,795 families benefited from regular and emergency financial assistance programs, while a total of 47,611 families benefited from the monthly financial assistance program. Furthermore, 172 families benefited from the training program, and the response rate to calls made to the Fund was 91%.

Regarding the Directorate for Combating Begging, the report revealed that 412 anti-begging campaigns were conducted, during which 740 beggars were apprehended.