National Employment Program is ‘most important gov’t commitment’

9. Nayef Steitieh as Minister of Labor
Minister of Labor Nayef Steitieh. (Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of Labor Nayef Steitieh said on Saturday that the private sector plays a major part and is an essential partner in the National Employment Program, which, he emphasized, is “the most important government commitment for the years 2021-2023”, according to Al-Ghad News.اضافة اعلان

Steitieh said that the government allocated JD80 million for the program with the aim of providing 60,000 job opportunities for Jordanians in the private sector, stressing that “the government is committed to expanding the National Employment Program beyond the specified goal if the private sector creates more than 60,000 job opportunities”.

He added: “There is no guarantee that workers stay in the program after the end of the one year contract, it all depends on the workers’ self-development, commitment to work, flexibility and communication skills.”

According to him, the JD150 salary provided by the employees covered by the program consists of JD130 as basic salary, JD10 for transportation and JD10 as part of the social security contribution. The minimum wage accepted in the program is JD260.

Steitieh also said that “currently there is no discussion about raising the minimum wage”.

He added that those targeted in the national employment program are between 18 and 40 years, and that 7 percent of the National Aid Fund beneficiaries will benefit from it. The NAF beneficiaries who are able to work are encouraged to enter the labor market, without fearing that that will affect the financial aid disbursed to them from the fund, Steitieh added.

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