Netherlands donates 8 million euros to Jordan’s RDPP

(Photo: Jordan News Agency, Petra)
AMMAN — On Monday, Harry Verweij, the Ambassador of the Netherlands, and Kristoffer Vivike, the Ambassador of Denmark to Lebanon and Jordan, signed an agreement for an 8 million euros or equivalent to $8.5 million from the Netherlands to the Regional Development and Protection Program (RDPP), a multi-donor program led by Denmark with a total budget of 50 million euros.اضافة اعلان

The RDPP's mission is to bolster self-reliant and resilient communities in Jordan, with a particular focus on refugees and vulnerable Jordanian communities, especially youth and women. This initiative aims to create job opportunities and enhance protection, as stated by the Dutch embassy in Amman, the Jordan News Agency, Petra reported.

In terms of employment, a comprehensive approach will be taken, fostering sustainable livelihoods in collaboration with the private sector, civil society, and local authorities.

Regarding protection, the program prioritizes women's empowerment, combating child labor, and improving working conditions.

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