Over hundred aid trucks cross into Gaza from Jordan

Over hundred aid trucks cross into Gaza from Jordan
Amman - The Jordanian Armed Forces and the Jordan Hashemite Charity Organisation (JHCO) sent 118 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid to Gaza during the second week of August.اضافة اعلان

According to a JHCO statement issued Sunday, the aid trucks were loaded with ready-made meals, food and health parcels, clothes, blankets, medical supplies, tents, mattresses and blood units.

The JHCO Secretary-General, Hussein Shabli, said the organisation is sending aid to the people in Gaza through convoys weekly, loaded directly from the organisation's warehouses.

Shabli added that work is ongoing to meet the needs of the people in Gaza in light of the "difficult" circumstances they are living in.

He explained that the total number of trucks that have entered Gaza to date has reached 3,150 trucks and 53 planes via Egypt's Arish.

The trucks were sent in cooperation with the World Food Programme (WFP) and with the support of the Garment Traders Syndicate, Lifta Association, Hamada Restaurant, Amman Chamber of Industry, CARE, Qatar Charity, Lutheran Federation, UNICEF, UNRWA, IOM, Al-Fajr Foundation, ACTED, JNRCS, TDHI, Rawabi Al-Farah, and Star Pacific.

According to the statement, JHCO receives cash donations through its bank account at Union Bank No. JO32 UBSI 1030 0000 4010 1659 9151 06 or through electronic wallets or Click JHCOGAZA, in addition to "E-Fawateercom" and through its website www.jhco.org.jo.

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