Panhandler arrested with JD778

Panhandler arrested with JD778
Irbid - A woman beggar was arrested in Irbid Governorate on Saturday with JD778 and a police record, and was referred to authorities for legal action, the Ministry of Social Development said.اضافة اعلان

After examining and investigating beggars who are arrested, it becomes clear they are financially capable and that they practice begging, exploiting the sympathy of the public by pretending to be poor or sick, the ministry said in a statement.

It stressed the public's cooperation in anti-vagrancy efforts by the ministry and partner agencies, and called on them not to help beggars and to direct assistance to charities that deliver it to poor families or those in need.

The ministry said its teams, in cooperation with relevant authorities, are in the field across the Kingdom around the clock, and will take necessary legal action against panhandlers.

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