DAMASCUS — A photo has emerged depicting the site where three
US soldiers were killed and 35 others injured by a drone on the
Syrian-Jordanian border, as per Khaberni. The image revealed the tower's
location along the border between Jordan and Syria, adjacent to the Al-Tanf
According to CNN and the Wall Street Journal, the targeted site is 'Tower 22', a small military facility near the Al-Tanf base in southeast Syria, where US forces are collaborating with the Jordanian Arab Forces-Arab Army (JAF) to combat Daesh.
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DAMASCUS — A photo has emerged depicting the site where three
US soldiers were killed and 35 others injured by a drone on the
Syrian-Jordanian border, as per Khaberni. The image revealed the tower's
location along the border between Jordan and Syria, adjacent to the Al-Tanf
According to CNN and the Wall Street Journal, the
targeted site is 'Tower 22', a small military facility near the
Al-Tanf base in southeast Syria, where US forces are collaborating with the
Jordanian Arab Forces-Arab Army (JAF) to combat Daesh.
Read more National news
Jordan News