Queen Rania meets with US First Lady

Her Majesty Queen Rania meets US First Lady Jill Biden on July 19, 2021. (Photo: Handout from Royal Hashemite Court)

WASHINGTON — On Monday, Her Majesty Queen Rania Al-Abdullah met with US First Lady Jill Biden at the White House while accompanying His Majesty King Abdullah II and His Royal Highness Crown Prince Al-Hussein on a working visit to the US capital, according to a recent statement by the Royal Hashemite Court.اضافة اعلان

The meeting was their first since Jill Biden became First Lady and took place “while His Majesty King Abduallah is on his first visit to the US after President Biden assumed office in January.” According to the statement, Queen Rania and First Lady Jill Biden discussed “various issues of common interest.”