Questions arise over Jordanian vegetable exports to Israel

market food
(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN – A source revealed to Al -Quds Press that Israeli traders' trips to the Jordan Valley (the Kingdom's food basket) have not stopped since the start of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip. They said the traders were using Jordanian markets to purchase large quantities of vegetables, compensating for what the settlements around Gaza used to produce.اضافة اعلان

According to the source, not being able to harvest crops in the Gaza Strip and the shortage of labor due to the aggression on Gaza forced Israel to turn to Jordan to secure its needs.

The source stated that "exporting to the occupying state has negatively impacted Jordanian citizens, as vegetable prices in local markets have reached unprecedented levels."

In a field tour by Al-Quds Press to Jordanian local markets, the price per kilogram of cucumbers reached one Jordanian Dinar, which is very high compared to the same period last year, despite an abundance of production, according to experts.

Prices of various vegetables (tomatoes, cauliflower, eggplant, hot peppers, sweet peppers) have also witnessed a noticeable increase in prices.

The source warned that "continuing to export vegetables to the Israeli occupying state will lead to their scarcity and loss from local markets, raising their prices."

Earlier, the head of the parliamentary reform bloc (affiliated with the Islamic Action Front party), Saleh al-Armouti, directed a parliamentary question to the Jordanian Minister of Agriculture, Khaled Hneifat, about the quantities of vegetables exported to Israel during specific periods, specifically since September 6 of the previous year.

Armouti also asked Hneifat about "the reason for not stopping the import and export of vegetables and fruits for the benefit of the Zionist enemy, in line with the government's official position on the Zionist aggression on the Gaza Strip."

Armouti requested him to "provide him with the names of companies that import or export vegetables and fruits to and from the Zionist entity."

In response, the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture announced that the total Jordanian exports to Israel of vegetables amount to 1300 tons monthly, out of a total of 12,500 tons exported outside the kingdom.

Jordan had signed an agreement with the occupation state to grant Jordanian agricultural products preference in Israeli markets during the Jewish Sabbath year, from September 2021 to September 2022, a move that was met with widespread popular criticism.

The Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture announced at the time that "this agreement will raise Jordanian exports to the Israeli side to more than 50,000 tons of vegetables and fruits during the mentioned period, which will have a positive impact on the kingdom's agricultural sector."

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