Random boycotts imperil jobs of hundreds of Jordanians

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(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Growing boycott campaigns in Jordan have taken a worrying turn, jeopardizing the employment of hundreds of Jordanians. Initially intended as a form of protest, they have now become arbitrary and unfair, putting the livelihoods of workers at risk, according to a government source that has been reported by Petra News Agency.اضافة اعلان

The source explained that some people have been drawn into broadening the circle of accusation to include international and local brands and companies under the guise of supporting the occupation without providing any evidence, and that the goal may be to restrict or remove those brands from the market in order to increase profits for those who make these accusations.

They further emphasized, “This disarray in the boycott will have a severe influence on workers who have become victims of randomness, far from accuracy and objectivity, and captives of speculation for solely business reasons, far from the viewpoint on the Israeli aggression on Gaza.”

Furthermore, the official authorities are compelled to address the boycott calls, as silence could lead to more workers facing unemployment. The government's priority is to safeguard the national economy's resilience and strength, resisting attempts to induce a domestic financial crisis. A robust Jordan, with a thriving economy, is better equipped to support its Palestinian brothers.

The boycott's figures will have a detrimental impact on the labor market and the national economy, and threaten hundreds of Jordanians' jobs and threaten the treasury with a loss of tens of millions of dinars (tax revenues).

According to the source, it is striving to mitigate the economic consequences of Israel's aggression, which has caused a complex political and economic crisis, since the tourism sector in the Kingdom, which is the backbone of economic growth, has been directly impacted due to the region's stereotyped image as a result of the ongoing war.

The source calls for voices of reason and moderation, emphasizing the need to balance popular will with national economic requirements. Striking this balance is crucial to avoid catastrophic fallout when the Israeli aggression eventually comes to an end.

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