Rased study finds 53% of municipal, provincial candidates are former mayors

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A general photo of election billboards in Amman. (Photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Hayat Center for Civil Society Development (Rased), which is monitoring the 2022 municipal elections, said that a study of the candidates has shown that 53 percent of those running for the elections were former mayors and one candidate was a former parliamentarian, Ad-Dustour reported.اضافة اعلان

Results on career and professional background showed that 34.8 percent of candidates were military retirees, while 33.7 percent were former public employees, 25.1 were private-sector employees, and 6.4 percent were private-sector retirees.

Around 16 percent of the candidates hold a post-graduate degree, 38.2 percent hold a bachelor’s degree, 6.6 percent a diploma, 30 percent a high school diploma, and 9.2 percent do not have a high school diploma.

Meanwhile, 56 percent of the candidates said they have not prepared an election agenda, and 44 percent have already published their election agenda, according to the study.

The results of the study show that 45 percent of the current candidates have previously run for elections, 172 of whom ran for mayor, 17 who ran for a parliamentary election, 39 as city council members, and 19 who ran for provincial council elections.

Around 73 percent of the candidates are from a clan alliance or group of clans in a geographical area and 20 percent are running independently, while 2 percent are dependent on a party, and 5 percent are affiliated to a youth group in their district.

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