Rent, milk, eggs, and cigarettes raise inflation by 1.19%

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN Department of Statistics issued its monthly report on the general consumer price index for September 2023, revealing a 1.19 percent increase compared to the same month in 2022. It also showed a slight increase of 0.52 percent compared to the preceding month of the same year, as reported by Jo 24. اضافة اعلان

The main contributors to the increase include a 7.92 percent increase in personal items, 5.18 percent in tobacco and cigarettes, 3.25 percent rise in rents, 2.86 percent in dairy and eggs, and a 2.45 percent rise in grains and their products.

In contrast, prices of "household textiles" decreased by 1.28 percent, fuel and lighting by 1.17 percent, beverages and refreshments by 0.80 percent, and transportation by 0.45 percent.

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