Royal Documentation Center Displays Document on the Issuance of the New Constitution

Royal Documentation Center Displays Document on the Issuance of the New Constitution
Amman – The Royal Jordanian Hashemite Documentation Center showcased a historical document from its archives, displaying an image of the cover of issue 12 of "Al-Hawadith" newspaper, published on January 7, 1952, celebrating the issuance of the new constitution of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.اضافة اعلان

The center explained in a statement today, Thursday, that the editors of this issue chose to highlight the importance of the new constitution with a prominent headline reading: "This is the New Jordanian Constitution: The Nation is the Source of Authority, Freedom of the People, Prosecution of Ministers, Trust in the Government."

The center also noted that the issuance of the constitution is significant as it coincides with the birthdate of King Talal on January 8, 1909, adding that the constitution was approved by the Cabinet on January 1, 1952.