SSC covers insured medical personnel

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Social Security Corporation (SSC) said that insured medical personnel who get infected with COVID-19 at their places of work will benefit from insurance as that would be considered a work injury, according to Ammon News. اضافة اعلان

An SSC statement on Saturday said that COVID-19 infections of medical personnel are considered an occupational disease in the Social Security Law. 
The SSC is liable to pay all medical expenses if a worker in a private medical facility needs to be admitted to hospital; the SSC also pays compensation for the days the worker is absent from work. 

In case SSC accepts that a worker has suffered partial or permanent disability, it has to allocate a monthly wage for that worker, said the statement.

In case any of these medical workers dies from COVID-19, the inheritors are paid a monthly wage equivalent to 75 percent of the worker’s wage at the time of death, in accordance with the provisions of the Social Security Law

These SSC benefits cover workers insured in private and public hospitals and medical laboratories. 

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