SSC receives 680 insurance complaints in Q1

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Social Security Corporation (SSC) received 680 insurance complaints in the first quarter of the year, of which half have been addressed by the SSC, Director of Insurance Awareness Hossam Al-Saadi said on Monday, according to Al-Mamlaka TV.اضافة اعلان

The SSC also replied to about 1,500 questions it received from the public through its “You Ask and We Answer” service in the same period.

The service is available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 11am–1pm and provides immediate answers to questions the SSC receives on social media.

Saadi stressed that teams work around the clock to monitor the incoming questions to ensure a rapid, accurate response. Many of the questions pertain to the law, procedures, and services offered by the SSC.

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