Safadi heads Arab Parliamentary Committee in Cairo

A general view shows the Arab League Foreign Ministers meeting in the Egyptian capital Cairo on September 6, 2022. (Photo: AFP)
A general view shows the Arab League Foreign Ministers meeting in the Egyptian capital Cairo on September 6, 2022. (Photo: AFP)
AMMAN — Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi discussed closer ties with his Moroccan counterpart, Nasser Bourita, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

In a meeting held at the ministry's headquarters on the eve of the Arab League Ministerial Council meeting in Cairo, the two ministers lauded the deep-rooted relations between the two kingdoms, and ways to activate joint Arab action to serve Arab causes, particularly the Palestinian issue.

Safadi heads Arab Parliamentary Committee in Cairo

In Cairo on Tuesday, Safadi headed the fifth meeting of the Arab Parliamentary Committee appointed to confront Israel's illegal policies and actions in the occupied city of Jerusalem, prior to the 158th ordinary session of the Arab League, Al-Mamlaka TV reported.

The 158th ordinary session of the Arab League is held at a ministerial level at the League's headquarters in Cairo.

Meanwhile Palestine's delegate to the League called for a special conference on Jerusalem and the “Judaization” of the city currently taking place.

Amjad Al-Adaileh, Jordan’s ambassador to Cairo and the Kingdom’s permanent representative to the Arab League, headed the Jordanian delegation participating in the activities of the 158th session of the Arab League at the delegate level, which kicked off Sunday.

During the meeting, Libya's delegate to the Arab League received the presidency of the current session from Lebanon, president of the previous session, to prepare for the activities of the session at the level of foreign ministers, which kicked off in Cairo on Tuesday.

Safadi, Moroccan counterpart discuss easing visa requirements
In Amman, Safadi said in a joint press statement with the Moroccan minister that Jordan is proud of the strategic and historical ties between the two kingdoms, which are working to develop them in various fields in implementation of the directives of both countries' leaders.

He said discussions with Bourita focused on practical steps required to activate cooperation according to the summit statement issued following His Majesty King Abdullah and King Mohammed VI’s meeting in Casablanca in 2019. Both had agreed then to start preparations to hold the joint higher committee, which had met in Morocco in 2016, as soon as possible in Amman.

Safadi said that he and Bourita agreed to facilitate the movement of citizens between the two countries through eased visa requirements.

Palestinian issue is central to Arabs
On the Palestinian issue, Safadi said that it was at the forefront of the issues discussed he discussed with Bourita.

"We agree that it is the central issue" Safadi said. He noted that the only solution to achieving a just and comprehensive peace will be through the two-state solution that embodies the independent, sovereign Palestinian state with occupied Jerusalem as its capital on the pre-June 4, 1967 borders, to live in security and peace alongside Israel.

"We discussed the efforts in which we will continue to work together in order to return to serious and effective negotiations that will take us towards progress, towards a just peace" on the basis of the two-state solution, Safadi explained.

Jordan supports Morocco’s territorial integrity

He stressed "the Kingdom's firm position in support of the territorial integrity of Morocco, and the need to resolve the issue of the Moroccan Sahara in accordance with United Nations resolutions, and on the basis of the Moroccan Western Sahara Autonomy Proposal, in a manner that guarantees and protects Morocco's territorial integrity and sovereignty over all its territories."

The Moroccan minister said that the Jordanian-Moroccan ties are an exemplary and exceptional ones sponsored by both countries' leaders. "They have all the ingredients to be a strategic partnership in all fields,” he said.

He explained that in implementation of directives of the two countries leaderships, achievements have been made at the bilateral level.

"Work will continue to build on outcomes of the joint statement issued after the summit meeting between their two majesties in Casablanca at in March 2019," Bourita noted.

"It was agreed that the joint committee between the two countries would be held in the near future, and that meetings of businessmen in the two countries would be held in conjunction with holding the meetings of the joint committee to discuss opportunities for cooperation and investment, whether in the two countries or jointly in other regions, especially in the African continent," Bourita pointed out.

Bourita emphasized the centrality of the Jordanian role in the peace process and safeguarding holy sites in Jerusalem, stressing that "King Mohammed VI supports this role and always calls for coordination with Jordan on all affairs of the Palestinian issues, especially the Islamic holy sites in this city. Our stances are the same regarding the Palestinian issue."

"We are coordinating with Jordan regarding support for Jerusalemites and the preservation of the Arab-Islamic identity of Jerusalem," he added.

He said that Morocco appreciates Jordan's position and the position of His Majesty King Abdullah on Moroccan Sahara issue, which are consistent positions, and Jordan has always supported Morocco's territorial integrity, expressing appreciation to Jordan's decision to open a general consulate in the city of El-Ayoun.

He underlined the continuation of coordination with Jordan within the framework of the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and at the level of international forums. 

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