Security forces refer a number of rioters to the judiciary

PSD quells Rabia rioting, regrets officer injuries  008
(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Security authorities have arrested several individuals who were involved in "acts of rioting, attacked public security personnel, and caused damage to citizens' properties" during protests in the Rabieh area of Amman, according to the Public Security Directorate. اضافة اعلان

The directorate stated that it is "committed to preserving the security of citizens and safeguarding their properties and assets" and emphasized its commitment to "executing the issued instructions regarding gatherings to ensure the safety and security of participants,” according to Al-Mamlaka. 

It also expressed its dedication to safeguarding the rights of citizens and enabling them to express their opinions peacefully and in accordance with the law.

The directorate called on those interested in participating in protests to "express their opinions within the framework of the law, adhere to designated locations, and refrain from attempting to bypass them to ensure their safety and the public safety and security."

They again reiterated that no protests near the border would be permitted to protect the safety of citizens.

The directorate expressed its regret for the actions witnessed on Wednesday in the Rabieh area by a small group that engaged in rioting, assaulted public security personnel, used Molotov cocktails, and damaged both public and private property of innocent citizens, noting that this group does not represent the majority of law-abiding citizens. 

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