Seven political parties have rectified legal status — IEC

(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Chairman of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) Musa Maaytah said on Monday that seven political parties have rectified their status according to the Political Parties Law, while 13 parties have submitted requests for rectification that are pending their completion of legal procedures.اضافة اعلان

Maaytah, in an interview with Al-Mamlaka TV, described the number of parties that have completed legal proceedings as “good”, and “more than expected”.

The chairman predicted that less than 10 parties would compete in the next election, which has an expected voter turnout of 5 million citizens, especially given that several parties have already merged.

The main function of the parties, he said, is to participate in the elections to install party members in parliament, as Jordan’s Lower House is elected.

Amendments to the party systemIn 2022, Parliament passed amendments to the Political Parties Law requiring parties to meet certain membership demographic quotas focused on increasing the representation of women and youth, among other changes.

In May of last year, the IEC required all 56 parties registered at the time to rectify their legal status in accordance with the amendments, with a deadline of May 14, 2023.

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