Shamali heads Jordan's delegation to AESC meetings in Manama

Shamali heads Jordan's delegation to AESC meetings in Manama
Amman -Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply, Yousef Shamali, headed Jordan's delegation to the meeting of Arab Economic and Social Council (AESC) at the preparatory ministerial level for the Arab Summit in its 33rd regular session, which was held in Bahraini capital, Manama.اضافة اعلان

The attendees went over a slew of priority economic and social issues to enhance joint Arab action, which would be presented to the Arab Summit in its current session, primarily steps to outline and endorse an emergency response plan to deal with economic and social repercussions of the Israeli aggression against Palestine.

Speaking at the meetings, Shamali presented the Kingdom's efforts to provide forms of humanitarian support to Palestinians in Gaza Strip and West Bank, under direct Royal support and guidance, delivered by land convoys via King Hussein Bridge, or by direct airdrops into the coastal enclave.

The minister stressed the Kingdom's support for the Arab League's efforts as part of its efforts to join World Trade Organization (WTO) as an observer, and renewed its support for Arab countries seeking to join the organization.

The participants adopted Arab Strategy for Youth, Peace and Security, 2025 Arab Vision Document, measures taken to follow up on implementation of economic and social decisions, and progress made in completing requirements of Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA), establishment of Arab Customs Union, and other issues of common interest.

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