Snake expert captures black whipsnake in residential building in Amman

‘King of snakes’ is friend to farmers, essential to ecological balance, says expert

black snake
(Photo: Black snake)
AMMAN — Over the weekend, snake expert Asad Al-Jizaawi and a group of snake experts captured a black snake, dubbed Abu Samra and the “king of snakes”, from a residential building in Shmeisani. اضافة اعلان

After receiving a phone call from concerned residents, Jizaawi contacted Omar Al-Zawahreh, along with a team of proficient snake experts from across the Kingdom and rushed to the scene and successfully captured the black snake, stating that it is referred to as the black whipsnake.

The ‘king of snakes’
According to a local media outlet, Jizaawi said that the black whipsnake, measuring an estimated length of 1.7m, poses no threat to humans as it is entirely non-venomous. However, it is widely recognized as the "king of snakes" in the Middle East.

This particular snake species exhibits non-aggressive behavior, lacks venomous fangs, and tends to shy away and rapidly escape when approached. Known for its peaceful disposition, the black whipsnake can even be domesticated.

The most remarkable attribute of this snake lies in its ability to prey upon other snake species, particularly venomous ones. Possessing immunity to their venom, the black whipsnake aggressively hunts and consumes them, effectively acting as a guardian against poisonous snakes near residential areas.

Such remarkable behavior has earned it the deserving title of the "king of snakes."

Benefit to farmers
Farmers also benefit from the presence of the black whipsnake, as it helps control harmful rodents that infest feed stores and neighboring houses, thereby preventing crop damage.

And despite the snake itself being non-venomous, it primarily feeds on venomous snakes and rats as it is immune to their poison.

As a friend to farmers, this species plays a valuable role in maintaining ecological balance.

Despite its significance, the black whipsnake has been subject to unjust treatment in Jordan.

The Ministry of Agriculture previously highlighted the widespread ignorance surrounding this creature, often leading to its ruthless killing based on outdated myths and stories.

Regrettably, some individuals even take pride in showcasing the snake's lifeless body, hoisted on a stick.

In accordance with the Jordanian Ministry of Agriculture's description, the black whipsnake is a sizable reptile capable of reaching lengths exceeding 3m.

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