Social Development Minister Welcomes AWO Delegation for Election Monitoring

Social Development Minister Welcomes AWO Delegation for Election Monitoring
Amman - Minister of Social Development and Chair of the Ministerial Committee for Women's Empowerment, Wafa Bani Mustafa, received a delegation from the Arab Women Organization (AWO) on Monday to observe the parliamentary elections.اضافة اعلان

During the meeting, Bani Mustafa emphasized that the parliamentary elections for the 20th House of Representatives, scheduled for Tuesday, mark a significant milestone in Jordan’s history.

These elections are the first following the approval of reforms recommended by the Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System, established by His Majesty King Abdullah II in 2021, which included new political parties and election laws, as well as constitutional amendments.

Bani Mustafa highlighted that, despite regional challenges and conflicts, the King is committed to continuing Jordan’s reform agenda through political, economic, and administrative changes. This reform process underscores the country's resilience, cohesion, and stability.

She also discussed the advancements in women’s participation in political and parliamentary life, citing an increase in quota seats for women, with each electoral district now having a dedicated seat.

Additionally, women have the opportunity to run in other districts and on general party lists, with regulations requiring parties or coalitions to place women and young men in prominent positions on their lists. This approach aims to increase female representation in Parliament.

Bani Mustafa noted Jordan's significant strides in enhancing the integrity and transparency of the electoral process, particularly with the establishment of the Independent Election Commission. This body is now solely responsible for overseeing parliamentary and municipal elections, with the government providing only technical and logistical support.

In response, the Arab Women Organization delegation expressed appreciation for Jordan's efforts to improve the electoral process and support women’s involvement in political and parliamentary life.

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