Source denies cancellation of medical exemptions in Jordan

Parliamentary blocs criticize medical exemption suspension from PM’s office

Lower House approves 2022 Social Security Law Parliament
(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — A source has confirmed that medical exemptions granted to Jordanian citizens who are not covered by health insurance and the Royal Medical Services will not be cancelled, according to the Jordan News Agency, Petra. اضافة اعلان

The source revealed that the Hashemite Royal Court will continue to provide these exemptions to citizens who meet the criteria.

Conditions for medical exemptions remain the sameAccording to the source, the mechanism for medical exemptions will remain unchanged in terms of conditions.

The Hashemite Royal Court will be responsible for issuing these exemptions, as they have done in the past, and not through the government. The continuity of granting exemptions was agreed upon by deputies, and through the Ministry of Political Affairs and Parliament, they will be submitted to the Hashemite Royal Court and returned to the deputies.

The source indicated that medical exemptions will be granted to citizens between the ages of six and 60 who are not covered by insurance and the Royal Medical Services.

Those under six years of age and over 60 are automatically covered by health insurance.

The source also confirmed that cancer patients will continue to receive medical exemptions without any changes to the current mechanism.

Blocs criticize gov’t decision earlier
Meanwhile, on Monday, several parliamentary blocs, including the Democratic Current, National Coalition, Future, and Justice, issued a statement in response to the government's decision to suspend granting medical exemptions to citizens from the Prime Minister's office.

This suspension comes despite the necessary financial allocations being included in this year's general budget said the bloc, Khaberni reported.

Shortage of servicesThe parliamentary blocs' statement expresses concern that the government's decision will increase the burden on citizens, particularly in light of the lack and shortage of appropriate health and medical services in all governorates, especially in the outskirts.

The statement highlights the shortage of main and sub-specialties in hospitals in these governorates.

According to the statement, the decision to not grant medical exemptions will cause psychological, material, and health damage to patients, particularly in light of the difficult living conditions in Jordan.

The statement also notes that the government is tightening its conditions by not granting the insured and uninsured any exemptions.

Additional burden on the Royal CourtThe statement clarifies that tying medical exemptions to the public service unit affiliated with the Royal Court will constitute an additional burden on the roles and tasks that the court is doing in serving all Jordanians, adding that “we respect and appreciate this great role that it is playing”.
The parliamentary blocs' statement emphasizes that medical exemptions through the prime minister's office are not given as a luxury. Instead, they are due to “the government's failure to deal with the medical and health file in the Kingdom and its inability to provide comprehensive health insurance for all citizens”.

Violations to be ‘government’s responsibility’These medical exemptions fall under the category of participation between the legislative and executive branches, which King Abdullah always emphasizes in all his meetings with representatives from both branches, it added.

The statement said it will hold the government responsible for any violations in granting medical exemptions to citizens, as it is the authority responsible for granting them.

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