Switzerland Boosts Water System in Azraq Refugee Camp

(Photos: Embassy of Switzerland to Jordan and Iraq)
PRESS RELEASE —In the heart of Azraq refugee camp, where over 42,000 Syrian refugees seek shelter and safety, Switzerland's intervention in bolstering water infrastructure and community mobilization plays a pivotal role in sustaining life and improving the well-being of the population. اضافة اعلان

Amidst a backdrop of climate change and heightened water scarcity in Jordan, the existing water supply system sourced from two boreholes yet struggles to meet the escalating demand during scorching summers without resorting to additional water trucking. The strain on water sources has exacerbated issues within the network leading to inequitable access, water loss, unauthorized connections, and increased susceptibility to heat-related crises.

Recognizing these challenges, Switzerland collaborates with its two partners, UNICEF and Action Against Hunger (ACF) to address these pressing concerns. The CHF 5 million project aims to establish a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable water supply system while promoting greater ownership by the local community in the camp.

The initiative entails crucial results to improve water provision for the camp's population, particularly its most vulnerable groups including women and children. Firstly, the establishment of a new water source through the drilling of a third borehole and the installation of a water treatment plant. The upgrade of the water delivery and distribution system will prevent tensions and allow for equal access, and reduce wastage.
Secondly, the community mobilization efforts by ACF play a vital role in advocating for water conservation and in improving water and sanitation facilities within the family circle, ensuring privacy, safety, and ownership of access to water.

The Swiss-led intervention goes beyond immediate infrastructure improvements; it stands as a testament to Switzerland's commitment to sustainable humanitarian endeavors. In the face of evolving environmental and social challenges, these vulnerable populations have better access to water.

A voice from the camp: a mother’s testimony
Speaking about the impact of the water supply system, a mother residing near the borehole shared that “water is now more accessible to us which made our lives much easier. My husband goes to work all day and it was hard for me to collect the water for the family by myself. With the water tap nearby, we can now easily collect water for our domestic uses." The upgraded system positively impacted the daily lives of families providing convenience and relief in their struggle for a basic necessity – water.

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