'Tashgeel' secures jobs for 18,149 employees since April 2022

labor labour
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — A total of 18,149 people have begun new jobs through the government-sponsored “Tashgeel” employment program launched in April 2022 under agreements with 908 private-sector institutions.اضافة اعلان

According to the latest data obtained by the Jordan News Agency, Petra, 9,103 women and 9,046 men have been placed into jobs since last April, of whom 1,404 are beneficiaries of the National Aid Fund.

The program, which aims to provide 60,000 private-sector jobs, has so far created 55,740 job openings, while a total of 50,390 job-seekers have registered for the program.

Program benefitsApplicants are employed in accordance with employers' needs and in coordination with economic sector representatives. Under the scheme, an individual employed by a private sector entity will receive a JD130 monthly wage subsidy for a maximum of six months, provided that the employer offers the employee a one-year contract at least.

Moreover, the program also includes a JD10 contribution to the worker's monthly social security premium and a similar amount as a transportation allowance for a maximum of six months.

The program called on job-seekers to register by visiting employment departments or service centers across the Kingdom, or via the link: www.tashgheel.gov.jo.

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