The King Visits the Baniyat Center for Special Education

Princess Thuraya: The center helps students increase their self-reliance and prepare them academically and professionally.

The King Visits the Baniyat Center for Special Education
The King Visits the Baniyat Center for Special Education
Princess Thuraya: The center helps students increase their self-reliance and prepare them academically and professionally.

His Majesty King Abdullah II visited the Baniyat Center for Special Education on Monday, which provides educational, training, and vocational rehabilitation services for individuals with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder.اضافة اعلان

His Majesty listened to a briefing from Her Royal Highness Princess Thuraya Al-Hassan, the founding and honorary president of the Muslim Women’s Association and the Baniyat Center for Special Education, who explained the center's role in helping students increase their self-reliance and prepare them academically and professionally, as well as preparing them for entry into the labor market.

Her Royal Highness highlighted the center’s programs and services, which include academic programs, others aimed at developing daily life skills, extracurricular activities, guidance programs, behavior modification, and integration into regular schools. The center also provides networking services with institutions to offer future job opportunities for students.

She also pointed out the center’s efforts in conducting courses, meetings, and continuous communication with parents to prepare them to deal with their children with disabilities, as part of the center's efforts to raise community awareness.

The center, which has received the Gold Accreditation from the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, includes multiple sections that cater to students according to their age groups and case classifications. Students over the age of 18 are trained in vocational skills such as ceramics, mosaic, carpentry, textiles, agriculture, and nutrition.

During the visit, His Majesty observed the students' activities and products in professional fields. He also visited the occupational therapy, autism spectrum, home management, computer lab, curriculum, and several classrooms.

The center serves 190 students, divided into sections for vocational rehabilitation, school, autism spectrum disorder, and kindergarten.

His Majesty was accompanied by the Head of the Royal Hashemite Court, Yousef Hassan Al-Isawi, the Director of the Royal Court Office, Engineer Alaa Al-Battayna, and the Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Azmi Mahafzah.