The price that Jordan pays

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The price that Jordan pays
Since the beginning of its founding, Jordan has suffered from geopolitical conflicts as a result of its distinguished location on the global map, which brings together three continents: Asia, Europe, and Africa. Since the beginning of the Palestinian Nakba and the occupation of Palestine, Jordan has been the main supporter to the  Palestinian issue, and also suffered from all the regional disputes or problems that occur in the region in general and in the neighboring countries in specific , put Jordan in the circle of challenges.اضافة اعلان

As a result, the Jordanian economy bears burdens classified as high risks, which have affected its future economic plans for many decades. Security challenges, demographic changes, demand for limited natural resources, interruption of tourism, the spread of pandemics, climate change, border closures during varying periods on the northern and eastern sides, the almost complete closure of the Bab al-Mandab Strait, the war in Ukraine and Gaza, and finally the global inflation with the rise in energy prices, all greatly harmed the Jordanian economy and increased the burden of debt.

As a result of all these challenges, Jordan had a special status in its foreign policy, in which the Hashemites excelled over the previous decades in making balanced and thoughtful decisions for  regional and  international conflicts.

 Any event in the Middle East affected the Jordanian economy, and Jordan bore the policies of Arab countries, regional and international, all of which directly affected the Jordanian economy. Jordan did not conspire against any Arab country in its history based on the principles of its Arabism, nationalism and Islam, which are a red line for the Hashemites. It did not trade political decisions for a handful of dollars which everyone knew was in dire need of it. Rather, Jordan was the strong support for the Arab brothers and was like a mother that embraced them if their homes were destroyed or shaken.

The Jordanian people, who supported their Hashemite leadership in all these situations, shared their livelihood with their guests with satisfaction and joy, as all these guests are brothers of Jordanians in Arabism and religion.

Because Jordan will not accept any party, whether internal or external, to compromise on its political decisions. The challenges and pressures imposed on Jordan cannot be borne by any country in the world because they directly affect its economy and lead to its undermining.

Despite all these challenges and difficult circumstances, Jordan always emerges strong, healthy, secure, and stable, thanks to its Hashemite leadership and its Armed Forces and the Security Services which His Majesty the King was keen to support them when assumed his constitutional powers, because he is always aware of the dangers taking place in the region through his constant anticipation of the future.

Therefore, Jordanians are facing an upcoming challenge and a historic opportunity to participate in decision-making, and it is time for every honorable Jordanian to lay the basic building block that will face the upcoming challenges by choosing who will represent him in the next parliament and who will lead the country in the near future to parliamentary governments that address all these challenges. Let us put our great attention and concentration on Jordan and its children, so we do not leave any space for those with individual interests to take control of the next council. We need the best elite in Jordan to be present in the next council or in the new government. 

Strategic and economic expert and analyst.
Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin.