There is no time to waste, FM tells Security Council

Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi during a virtual meeting with the UN Security Council on Sunday, May 16, 2021
Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi during a virtual meeting with the UN Security Council on Sunday, May 16, 2021. (Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — Jordan on Sunday held Israel responsible for the dangerous situation in the occupied Palestinian lands, calling for an immediate end to the violence there.اضافة اعلان

In his remarks at a virtual meeting of the Security Council to address the ongoing conflict in Palestine, Foreign Minister Ayman Al-Safadi said the escalation stops by bringing an end to the offensive on Gaza, and by stopping all illegal Israeli practices that originally sparked the violence in occupied Jerusalem and in the rest of the Palestinian territories.

Safadi stressed that the status quo cannot continue, and a just and lasting peace is a strategic choice and a regional and international necessity, a ministry statement said.

The top diplomat, who was in the US engaged in a diplomatic rush to end the crisis, told the meeting that peace cannot be achieved by building settlements, which, he said, undermine the two-state solution and constitute a flagrant violation of international law and resolutions of international legitimacy.

He pointed out that peace cannot be achieved through the confiscation of Palestinian lands or demolishing Palestinians’ houses or evicting them from their homes.

Safadi pointed out that the international community and the Security Council must assume their responsibilities and oblige Israel to respect the rights of the people of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in their homes. In accordance with international law and international humanitarian law, Jerusalemites should be treated as protected residents and the planned eviction of Palestinian families from the area is war crime, citing Security Council Resolution No. 478 of 1980, which stipulates that Israeli courts have no authority in occupied Jerusalem.

Safadi said: “The occupation is the source of conflict and the basis of all evil.” international humanitarian law, Jerusalemites should be treated as protected residents and the planned eviction of Palestinian families from the area is war crime, citing Security Council Resolution No. 478 of 1980, which stipulates that Israeli courts have no authority in occupied Jerusalem.

Safadi said: “The occupation is the source of conflict and the basis of all evil.”

Safadi added that to achieve this, the international community must act swiftly to create the right climate to serious negotiations that should lead to the end of the occupation and the prevalence of a just peace on the basis of the two-state solution.

“There is no time to waste, the historical injustice that the Palestinian people are exposed to must end; this inhuman occupation must disappear, and our region must enjoy the security, stability and peace it deserves,” Safadi said.

During the meeting, reported Agence France Presse, Palestinian and Israeli leaders both appealed for support at a UN Security Council session Sunday but little action was in sight despite soaring violence, with China accusing the United States of obstructionism.

After a delay pushed by the United States, Israel’s critical ally, the Security Council held its first public meeting on nearly a week of violence that has claimed 200 lives at least.

Opening the virtual session, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called the violence “utterly appalling” and urged Palestinian group Hamas to stop firing rockets into Israel and the latter to stop its massive air campaign on the Gaza Strip.

“Fighting must stop. It must stop immediately,” Guterres said.

“It has the potential to unleash an uncontainable security and humanitarian crisis and to further foster extremism, not only in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel, but in the region as a whole,” he said.

Pointing to the heavy toll on civilians, Palestinian foreign minister Riyad Al-Maliki accused Israel of “war crimes” and — in a terminology angrily rejected by Israel — “apartheid.”

“Act now to end the aggression and the assault on our people, our homes, our land. Act now so freedom can prevail, not apartheid,” he said.

Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, began lobbing rockets after Israeli troops entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem, sacred both to Muslims and Jews, following moves to expel Palestinians from their homes in the holy city.

Maliki said that Israel could not expect to “bear no consequences” for its actions as an “occupying colonial power.”

“Israel always says, put yourselves in our shoes. But Israel is not wearing shoes. It is wearing military boots.”

Speaking afterward, Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, charged the tensions were “completely premeditated” by Hamas as part of an internal power play after the Palestinian Authority delayed long-awaited elections.

Palestinians, including civilians, have borne the overwhelming brunt of the violence, with authorities in Gaza reporting that at least 55 children are among the 190 people who have died by Sunday. Ten people have died in Israel, including soldiers.

China, which holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council, said the United States had blocked its efforts for “strong action” — and invited Israelis and Palestinians to come negotiate in rising the Asian power.

“Regrettably, simply because of the obstruction of one country, the Security Council hasn’t been able to speak with one voice,” Foreign Minister Wang Yi said.

“We call upon the United States to shoulder its due responsibilities.”

The Biden administration has insisted that it is working behind the scenes, including through a visit to the region by an envoy, and that a UN statement could backfire, according to diplomats.

Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the US ambassador to the United Nations, stopped short of insisting on an immediate ceasefire and said the Biden administration was in touch with all sides including Qatar, which has close ties with Hamas, and Egypt, which has a peace deal with Israel and borders Gaza.

“The United States has made clear that we are prepared to lend our support and good offices should the parties seek a ceasefire,” she said.

“We believe Israelis and Palestinians equally have a right to live in safety and security.”

One diplomat, speaking to AFP on condition of anonymity, called the US stance “a little strange” seeing as Biden came to office vowing a return to multilateral diplomacy.

“We thought that they will be eager also to show that the Council is relevant in situations like this,” the diplomat said.

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