WFP provided healthy meals for 83,000 students, refugees last month

School schools
(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Last month, the World Food Program (WFP) in Jordan provided healthy meals for 83,000 Jordanian students and refugees in local communities within the program’s school feeding activities, Hala News reported.اضافة اعلان

Through the program, 300 women working in 11 kitchens prepared a total of 333,000 healthy meals in December. These women are also supported by the WFP, receiving monthly salaries in the form of digital transfers.

The WFP also distributed date bars to 356,000 Jordanians and refugee students in communities and camps in December, it said in a monthly report.

Meanwhile, the organization continued providing monthly food assistance to some 460,000 vulnerable refugees residing in camps and host communities through cash-based transfers.

Promoting a culture of healthy eatingLast year, the Ministry of Education, in cooperation with the WFP, launched the National School Feeding Strategy 2021–2025 as a roadmap for improving the health and nutrition of school students.

The strategy provides a vision for joint action to develop the school feeding system and promote a culture of healthy eating to build a generation capable of making healthy food choices and thereby contribute to improving the social and economic conditions of entire communities.

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