Warm weather forecast Saturday-JMD

Warm weather forecast Saturday-JMD
Amman -Saturday will see a rise in temperatures, and the weather will be warm in the mountainous areas and relatively hot in other regions, Jordan Meteorological Department (JMD) said.اضافة اعلان

According to the JMD report, the Kingdom will be affected Sunday, by a surface temperature depression accompanied by a dry and hot air mass and mercury will rise significantly to record about (5-6) degrees Celsius higher than seasonal levels.

On Monday, temperatures continue to rise as the weather becomes hot and dry in all the Kingdom's regions.

Meanwhile, temperatures are set to drop is on Tuesday and the weather being relatively hot over hilltops and hot in other regions.

Today’s maximum and minimum temperatures in Amman range between 31-17 degrees Celsius, while Gulf of Aqaba will see a scorching 39?, dropping to 25? at night.

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