What does 2025 have in store for us in the technological field.

What does 2025 have in store for us in the technological field.

Everyone knows that the technological conflict between the United States and China began at the beginning of this decade and has intensified in recent years, whoever understands technology will excel militarily and economically because more than half of the GDP of the two countries depends on technology through technology companies, their services and logistics.اضافة اعلان

What will happen in 2025 will be applications of previously developed theories and prototypical models that have been successfully tried, and in this article we will review some of them with technical analyses of their disadvantages and benefits.

 First:the use of quantum processor technology by US companies, which is a computer technology that exceeds the speed of the current computer by huge multiples, where artificial intelligence technology is used, and this would decrypt and crack passwords for devices and financial instruments such as cryptocurrencies, which puts a huge burden on protection programs, and makes the hacking process easier, especially for military and financial systems.

 Secondly, privacy using smart devices such as cell phones, cars and televisions will become hacked for commercial purposes, where a daily report is stored about each person in us in terms of his various visits, how he spends his vacation, what he wants to do, his hobbies, eating and going shopping through the development of special programs sold to major marketing companies and giving feedback to various industries, not to mention knowing the behavioral and political trends of each person, following him and being able to reach him in any region of the world by Western security agencies .

Third: the electric car industry will increase the demand for electric cars in the world, especially from the Chinese market, due to the competitive prices given by the Chinese government of continuous support, unlike the Western market, which is not supported by the government, in addition to the cheapness of Chinese labor, as well as the availability of supplies for these cars, which are manufactured inside China in terms of ease of logistical transportation and integration of Chinese companies in production, and finally the development of the battery industry in China, which will witness the manufacture of batteries that do not charge and are small in size, all this will lead to the dominance of Chinese cars in the world .

Fourth: the sixth generation of communication technology, as China is racing against time to launch this service commercially, which will enable it to be used in the interaction of robots when performing duties, smart cities, virtual reality and augmented reality, not to mention its military uses, which may be used if China launches its war on the island of Taiwan .

 Fifth: artificial intelligence and robotics: both China and the United States will be able to deploy robotic soldiers in the form of robots in conflict zones and on borders to protect vital facilities, especially nuclear ones, and the robot will be able to occupy jobs in restaurants, hospitals, education, Banks, tourism, mobility using cars, planes, trains and ships without a driver in addition to the conquest of space .

Sixth: processed food, which will increase its share in the market to reach 10% to fill the food deficit resulting from population increase and climate change, where we will see in western malls and shops all kinds of processed animal meat with the same quality, shape, taste and smell of natural meat.

Seventh: cybersecurity and security breaches, the percentage of various breaches by hackers will increase and this will lead to an increase in economic losses for government, financial and military entities.

Eighth: cyber wars, where we will witness cyber wars between the great countries, which will lead to damage in the security systems, energy sources and communications of the conflicting countries.

Ninth: finding cures for incurable diseases such as cancers, limb and organ transplantation, hearing treatment, addiction and depression through advances in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) chip technology, dismantling genetic chains, raising immune capacity, and producing children less susceptible to genetic and acquired diseases and others.

  Through what has been presented of this upcoming technological progress and competition between the great countries, which will lead to a huge gap between the great and Western countries with the third world countries, some of which are still immersed in internal wars, corruption and indebtedness, those who wanted to catch up with this technology should completely restructure and develop their government institutions by attracting experts and specialists who have something to offer, and not those who waste time, the technology train will go quickly and will not wait for anyone.

Expert, strategic and economic analyst. 
Chairman of the board of Directors of the Hopkins company.
Engineer Mohannad Abbas Haddadin. 
[email protected]