Why has Uruguayan meat flooded the Jordanian market ?

happy sheep
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN – The President of the Livestock Breeders Association, Zaal Al-Koalit, explained why Uruguayan meat has recently flooded the Jordanian market, indicating that its import began about two months ago to the Kingdom. Koalit stated in a statement to the Khaberni website on Saturday, that Uruguayan meat is frozen and does not affect local meat, especially with the opening of the door for the export of municipal meat. He added that the price per kilogram of Uruguayan meat is estimated at JD4 or less, while the price of local meat reaches JD9 or less. Koalit continued that there is a segment of citizens who cannot afford to buy local meat, so they find several alternatives in the market, including Uruguayan meat. The Ministry of Agriculture had issued permits for several traders to import meat from Uruguay and South America into the Jordanian markets. Read more National news Jordan News   (window.globalAmlAds = window.globalAmlAds || []).push('admixer_async_509089081')   (window.globalAmlAds = window.globalAmlAds || []).push('admixer_async_552628228') Read More Security: The Circulated Video of the Police Patrol is Old Jordanian Helicopter Unit in Congo Distributes Humanitarian Aid Crown Prince and Princess Rajwa Host Iftar for Orphans from Various Governorates
AMMAN – The President of the Livestock Breeders Association, Zaal Al-Koalit, explained why Uruguayan meat has recently flooded the Jordanian market, indicating that its import began about two months ago to the Kingdom.

Koalit stated in a statement to the Khaberni website on Saturday, that Uruguayan meat is frozen and does not affect local meat, especially with the opening of the door for the export of municipal meat. He added that the price per kilogram of Uruguayan meat is estimated at JD4 or less, while the price of local meat reaches JD9 or less.

Koalit continued that there is a segment of citizens who cannot afford to buy local meat, so they find several alternatives in the market, including Uruguayan meat.

The Ministry of Agriculture had issued permits for several traders to import meat from Uruguay and South America into the Jordanian markets.

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Jordan News