Women make up 52.7% of registered voters for Tuesday’s elections — IEC

(File Photo: Ameer Khalifeh/ Jordan News)
AMMAN — The “Eye on Women” program, which monitors elections from a gender perspective completed last Thursday its preparations to monitor the elections of municipal councils, the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) Council, and governorate councils scheduled to take place on Tuesday, according to Khaberni News.اضافة اعلان

The program, which is run by the Association of the Jordanian Women’s Solidarity Institute “Tadamon”, has pointed to latest figures received from the Independent Election Commission (IEC), which confirm that the number of registered voters is 4.648 million, including 2.447 million women, or 52.7 percent of the total voters.

Meanwhile, the number of candidates contesting the elections has reached 4,820, including 867 women, or 18 percent of the total candidates. The IEC said that 1,048 candidates are running for provincial councils, including 157 women, or 15 percent, and 17 women are running for (GAM) Council of 111 candidates. Not a single woman is running for the presidency of the municipalities.

The program aims to identify nuances of the electoral process, as well as to identify the reasons why women do not reach decision-making positions in all fields. It also aims at identifying the means of bringing women to decision-making positions by liberating them from fear by developing their skills and empowering them by expanding people’s knowledge regarding political participation, and ensuring the integrity of the elections.

The program considers that motivating women is an important step for their political empowerment, despite the need for a higher representation of women in the government, parliament, political parties, professional unions, and other leadership positions so that their participation becomes effective.

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