Several speakers at the United Nations Security Council expressed concerns last night about the threat posed by unchecked settlement activities in the West Bank to the prospects of a future Palestinian state.
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The representative of Denmark, the President of the Council for this month, stated that these developments are stripping Palestinians of their land and pushing them into isolated pockets, making it nearly impossible to create a connected and viable future Palestinian state. She emphasized that any unilateral attempt to alter the geography of the occupied Palestinian territories is unacceptable, noting that some settlements emerge from settler violence. She also stressed the importance of fully implementing Security Council Resolution 2334 (2016).
For his part, the Algerian representative asserted that Israel's goal in the West Bank is clear: "full sovereignty over it," and its methods are well known—"killing, forced demolitions, displacement, confiscation, and settlement expansion." He noted that more than 40,000 people have been forcibly displaced in the past two months in the West Bank. The Algerian representative also questioned, "When will we rise to the level of our commitments and enforce the implementation of our collective decision to establish a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital?"
The Pakistani representative warned that daily military raids, settler violence, and illegal annexations are part of a systematic effort for ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people in the West Bank. He added that the Security Council and the international community cannot stand idly by while this ethnic cleansing continues, calling on elected Council members to take measures to end this brutal war.
The Somali representative urged countries to form a united front against forced demographic changes, the displacement of Palestinian communities, or attempts to annex land in Gaza or the West Bank. Meanwhile, the Chinese representative called on Israel to "abandon its obsession with the use of force."
The French representative stated that Israel's justification for its new intensive bombardment of Gaza and the delay in the release of hostages does not justify punishing an entire population. He pointed out that settlements in the West Bank are becoming more violent, with active involvement from Israeli occupying forces, reaffirming France's opposition to any annexation of the West Bank or Gaza. To this end, France is working with all countries to find a mechanism and make a ceasefire the starting point for resuming dialogue.
The Slovenian representative, a Council member, said that the only true solution is genuine peace, calling for the end of the occupation and the return of displaced persons. He stressed that historical events, including those documented in accountability mechanisms, should serve as a wake-up call to begin a new chapter.
The Greek representative expressed regret over the increasing settlement activity in the West Bank, a concern echoed by the South Korean representative, who described the ongoing violence and destruction by settlers as unacceptable.
In the same context, the UK representative highlighted the three rounds of sanctions imposed by his country on "violent settlers" and their supporters to hold perpetrators of human rights violations accountable, due to insufficient Israeli measures. He pointed out that "the level of restrictions imposed on Palestinians' movement in the West Bank is debilitating," emphasizing the importance of ensuring respect for religious freedoms, especially during the holy month of Ramadan.
Many speakers also stressed the urgent need for progress toward a political solution, including the representatives of Guyana and Panama. The Sierra Leone representative called for the revival of the political process, expressing hope for Gaza's recovery and reconstruction, guided by the proposal made by the Arab League in Egypt.
The Russian Federation's representative at the Council warned that the West Bank "threatens to repeat the Gaza scenario," asserting that what is happening there is "conclusive evidence" of the impossibility of political solutions. He added that Israeli settlement activities are aimed at undermining the two-state solution, and while Israel uses "excessive force" to ensure its security, it is simultaneously destroying the chances for peace.
Lastly, the Palestinian representative stated, "Israel's goal has always been to control the maximum amount of Palestinian land with the fewest Palestinians," noting that instead of ending its occupation, Israel is trying to eliminate the occupied people.
-- (Petra)