Amman Industry Exports Increase by 19% in the Past Two Months

Amman Industry Exports Increase by 19% in the Past Two Months
Amman Industry Exports Increase by 19% in the Past Two Months
Exports from the Amman Chamber of Industry rose by 19% in the past two months compared to the same period last year, continuing the upward trend that began at the start of this year.اضافة اعلان

According to statistical data from the Amman Chamber of Industry obtained by the Jordan News Agency (Petra), the chamber's exports during the past two months of this year reached 1.102 billion dinars, compared to 926 million dinars for the same period last year.

Most industrial sectors showed an increase in their exports during the past two months, with the exceptions being the medical industries and supplies, as well as the wood and furniture sectors, which saw declines of 28.5% and 19.7%, respectively.

Additionally, the exports of the other eight sub-industrial sectors grew at varying rates, with the highest increase recorded in the construction industries sector, which grew by 105.5%, and the smallest increase in the packaging, paper, cardboard, and office supplies sector, which grew by 5.7%.

India, the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq accounted for more than half of the Amman Chamber of Industry's exports in the past two months, with a total value of 638 million dinars.

According to the data, exports to Syria saw a significant rise of 276.8%, reaching 44 million dinars, compared to 11 million dinars during the same period in 2024.

In terms of geographic distribution, Arab countries ranked first with exports worth 537 million dinars, followed by non-Arab Asian countries with 215 million dinars, and North American countries with nearly 207 million dinars.

Exports to European Union countries reached around 56 million dinars, while exports to non-EU European countries amounted to 43 million dinars, African countries 28 million dinars, and other countries 14 million dinars.

Exports from the chamber during the past two months were distributed across various industrial sectors, with mining industries accounting for approximately 226 million dinars, chemical industries and cosmetics at 210 million dinars, and engineering, electrical, and IT industries at 193 million dinars.

Exports from the food, agricultural, and livestock industries reached about 167 million dinars, followed by leather and textiles at 94 million dinars, and medical industries and supplies at 72 million dinars.

The remaining exports were distributed across the plastic and rubber industries at 53 million dinars, packaging, paper, cardboard, and office supplies at about 44 million dinars, construction industries at 40 million dinars, and wood and furniture industries at 3 million dinars.

The Amman Chamber of Industry, which was established in 1962, currently has 8,600 industrial establishments as members and employs 159,000 workers with a capital amounting to approximately 5 billion dinars. (Petra)