Industrial exports year after pandemic reach JD5.6 billion

4. Aqaba Port
(Photo: Flickr)
AMMAN — According to data issued by the Jordan Chamber of Industry on Sunday, industrial exports reached about JD5.6 billion at the end of the first year “after the pandemic”, according to Al-Mamlaka TV.اضافة اعلان

The figure is strong considering that the pandemic presented challenges and obstacles to both the global and the national economy until the middle of 2021, mostly in the form of high prices and high costs of shipping, transportation, and raw materials.

Chairman of the Jordan and Amman chambers of industry Fathi Al-Jagbir said that the industrial sector proved its ability to adapt to the current conditions, and tried to find solutions and alternatives to continue the production process, and ensure growth and prosperity, which helped it maintain its 93 percent share of national exports, considered the largest.

Jagbir said that the data prepared by the Jordan Chamber of Industry includes an analysis of Jordanian foreign trade and industrial exports, which recorded a growth rate of nearly 20 percent compared to 2020, and 21.6 percent compared to 2019.

Jagbir said that industrial exports reached this level as a result of the increase in exports of chemical and cosmetic goods, and of outputs of the mining, leather and construction sectors, adding that most industrial sectors recorded growth rates in their exports in 2021, ranging from 1.6 percent, exports of the engineering industries, to 142 percent, exports of the construction sector.

Jagbir said that the chamber is going to participate in the preparation of the national export strategy implemented by the Ministry of Industry, Trade, and Supply in cooperation with the concerned authorities from the private sector, with the aim of increasing the commodity and geographical diversity of national exports and investing all available export opportunities, which were estimated at approximately $4.4 billion.

He said that these opportunities will reduce the deficit in the balance of trade, which exceeded JD8 billion at the end of 2021, in addition to contributing to various economic and social fields by creating more job opportunities, and providing the treasury with foreign currency.

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