Japanese Grant of 660,000 USD to Support Education for Vulnerable Groups in Jordan

Japanese Grant of 660,000 USD to Support Education for Vulnerable Groups in Jordan
Japanese Grant of 660,000 USD to Support Education for Vulnerable Groups in Jordan
The Government of Japan has decided to provide a grant of 660,663 USD to World Vision Japan, a Japanese non-governmental organization, to support the creation of an inclusive educational environment for vulnerable groups in Amman.اضافة اعلان

The grant was signed today by the Japanese Ambassador to Jordan, Asari Hideki, and the Project Director at World Vision Jordan, Akinoiya Rie.

The grant aims to support the establishment of an inclusive educational environment where all children, including those with disabilities and regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds, can receive educational support tailored to their diverse needs and continue their education.

The project, based in Amman, will focus on early detection of disabilities and early intervention at four targeted kindergarten facilities, while enhancing the capacity of education workers and caregivers to support these children. It will also strengthen teachers' abilities to provide inclusive education in seven primary schools and ensure the provision of barrier-free facilities and inclusive educational materials.

In addition, the project will work on enhancing community support for inclusive education and creating a more supportive and accessible educational environment.

Based on the organization’s extensive experience in this field, the project will contribute to reducing social disparities and empowering vulnerable children in Jordan.