130,000 Jordanians own digital currencies — Hanandeh

4. Crypto market
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship Ahmed Al-Hanandeh  said that the number of Jordanians who own digital currencies stands at 130,000, according to Ammon News.اضافة اعلان

It said the minister told Jordan TV that trading in digital currencies has a high degree of risk because it is not governed by fixed monetary policies and that the trend so far is to be neutral regarding this particular kind of trading.

Meanwhile, Hanandeh said that 5G services will raise operators’ energy bill by “at least 50 percent,” expecting the technology to be launched “after a year and a half from the date of its licensing, which is expected to be completed soon.”

He told the Jordan News Agency, Petra, that after studying the 5G experiences of other countries, it was found that it is a technology that does not achieve the desired return on investment at the time of its launch.

“The 5G services will raise the energy bill for operators by at least 50 percent and require tens of millions in infrastructure investment and will need years to mature, while the volume of demand will increase with time,” according to Hanandeh. 

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