ACC issues 3,249 certificates of origin in the first two months of 2022

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Amman Chamber of Commerce issued 3,249 certificates (ACC) of origin in the first two months of 2022, up by 17.9 percent from the same period of 2021, to export goods and commodities to Arab and other foreign countries, according to Jordan News Agency, Petra.اضافة اعلان

Figures released Monday show that the value of certificates of origin issued by the ACC stood at JD123 million in 2022, constituting a 35-percent increase over the JD91 million recorded in 2021.

In a breakdown of figures by country, the ACC shows that a total of 492 certificates were issued for shipments exported to UAE, 481 to Saudi Arabia, 172 to Iraq, 170 to Egypt, and 28 to India.

The majority of exports in the first two months of the current year went to Egypt, for a value of JD26 million, followed by Iraq, at JD23 million, India, at JD12 million, the UAE, at JD11 million and Saudi Arabia at JD8 million.

The value of re-exports (exports of foreign products) in the same period stood at JD54 million, while the value of industrial exports amounted to JD43 million, agricultural exports to JD11 million, and Arab products to JD9 million.

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