Consumer protection head calls price increases saddening, shameful

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Head of the National Society for Consumer Protection Mohammed Obeidat on Saturday said that the increase in prices of goods was mainly due to the lack of surveillance on markets during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a local media outlet. اضافة اعلان

Obeidat said that out of 105 items, the prices of around 47 increased in one year, putting more burden on impoverished families. He described the price increase as saddening and shameful.

Obeidat said visits to marketplaces will make obvious the hike in prices of some items over the past year, as well as the drop in consumption rates. He also pointed out that prices of imports have not changed, but lack of supervision encouraged some merchants to raise the prices and take advantage of people during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jordan Farmers Union Director General Mahmoud Oran said that the price hikes are unjustifiable and called for intensified visits to retail stores to monitor the prices of vegetables sold there.

Oran attributed the rise in cucumber prices to the fact that the Jordanian market needs around 300 tons of cucumbers, while the markets only receives around 170 tons only.

Oran said that some cucumber farmers stopped planting this produce this season due to the losses they incurred last season, when a kilogram was sold for 5 piasters.

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